Saturday, March 25, 2017

My Opion

So where do I start

1.  I believe in life after death. From the descriptions in 90 Minutes in Heaven we would would have to respond, “yes!” It seems that Don Piper’s heaven is a heaven where we are fulfilled without Christ. Piper’s heaven was a place of reunion with loved ones, a place of beautiful music and a place of literal pearl (or “pearlescent”) gates and literal streets of gold.  Or I could look at this way in the movie in this film that after death we pass on to a sort of heavenly way station where we are given the opportunity to defend our actions during our most recent lifetime. The process is like an American courtroom, with a prosecutor, defense attorney and judge, but the charges against us are never quite spelled out. The basic question seems to be, are we sure we did our best, given our opportunities.  What I like about that movie is you can eat all you want and never gain weight.  I will go to heaven and see Leonette, Grandma, and other loved ones and friends from the past. Also I will one day walk With Jesus, Grandma through the Garden.

2. Jesus has a plan for all of us you might think that he doesn't, you might think he doesn't answer prayers.  He does he knows what is best for us and doing as he sees fit for us and his plan. 
We can also make changes that will effect life like lose weight try to get your healthy try to make yourself the confrontable but it's his plan. 

3.  Well I think if Cynthia, Lorelei gets what I got out of church when I was a Kid I would let them go so that they can learn about jesus and his love and why he died on the cross.

That's where I'll say goodbye for now