Monday, May 16, 2016

Why I miss my Sister

Well I haven't done this in a while.  Two years ago on the 19th may sister was hit by a car while on her motorcycle on her way home.  Now it was a major blow to me because I never lost someone that close to me before.  She was my Rock I could talk to her about anything and everything.   I was the middle Child and she always looked out for me if someone was bothering me in school Leonette and Heather would ake care of the problem.  she had 2 great kids Kelsey and Jacob which I was so lucky I could pick them up from school when they were younger.  Then Kelsey got cancer and my uncle abilities kicked in to overdrive.    I would ride to Kansas City and make Leonette fill safe.    We went to the movies at midnight to see Star Wars episode 3 and I fell asleep.   When we were younger I rode with her when we went to The state fair I rode in the back all the way there and back With Amanda Hand that was fun.  If I want to hear her sweet voice I call my mommys voice mail and here her voice.  Now I've got major depression and don't want to get out but I go through pathways that have a caseworker, I see my thearpest, and a peer worker.  My old case worker John helped and I miss talking with him now I have my good friend Ron Martin he's a good guy,  I've got my Wife Mandy, My mom and dad, and Brother as my support system so they make sure I don't get out of wack.

thanks for everything Leonette  I will see you one day again I know that for a fact


  1. Oh Bud I wish I could take away your pain..two years later and reading this I am on the verge of tears. They say it gets easier with might be true but she was such a special soul and amazing woman that left an impact on every person she met..hugs you tight Bud. Hang in there
