Wednesday, April 26, 2017

3 Years later

Well It's 2017 and let's see what has happened in my life Con- Not much snow I love snow.  My uncle Danny Sewell Died of cancer. Cancer Sucks!!!!!!      Jacob is a senior this year and golfing like a pro.  He was also named Prom King.  I love that kid he is going to William Jewell college for a golf scholarship.  ben seeing a therapist for two years now it's helping more than you think.  Been taking my medication like I should my wife see to that!   I think I have a kidney stone.  I've had one before and know the feeling and I've Got to wait a little longer to get it checked out. Don't worry the pain is very much unbearable at times and pain pills don't do much.  Saw Fate of the Furious it was awesome 5 stars.  So as of right now I have 13 nieces, Nephews.  it will grow by two in 9 months.  That's a whole other blog.  
My sister has been gone 3 years as of May 19th I think about her daily and wonder how the kids are doing.  Leonette was the person I could talk to and I miss her more than you think.  but I don't worry about it because my wife Mandy will and has been taking care of me everyday since we met our anniversary is coming up  I really really don't know what I would do without her.  Love you mandy.

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